6th km of Larisa – Farsala road



The Oncology Unit of SYNCHRONI POLYKLINIKI LARISAS run by Dr. Nikolaos Kentepozidis, comes to fill a significant gap of services and whole care and support to the oncology patient and relatives in the wider area of Thessalia.

Guaranteed by top level specialized doctors, with long time experience, important medical work on the sector of Oncology in Greece and abroad and active participation in international conferences and innovative research programmes, the unit provides the chance of receiving tactical counter-neoplasma cure to oncology patients, constant medical observation with all neccesary checks and in addition to all, psycosocial, consolatory support.

Having the patient in the center of concern and targeting to personalized medical approach, the unit covers a complete spectrum of needs staring with the immediate diagnosis of neoplasias, extended to the appropriate curing treatment, the detailed observation of the cure procedure, the re-assesment of the proccess of the disease, up to the recovery phases.

The Oncolocy Unit covers the complete spectrum of services, starting with the diagnosis of the neoplasias, followed by the cure and recovery stages of the patient. The initial assesement of the clinical condition of the patient and the treatment plan is based on an attempt to personalize the treatment for each inividual, in accordance with the most up to date molecular biology and genetics scienctific data.

In order for the most efficient planning of the patient's treatment to be achieved, medical conferences are held in weekly basis in the SYNCHRONI POLYKLINIKI LARISAS with participation of the Oncology and Pathology Clinics General Managers.